handvoll makramee

Chinny handful macramé

How did you get into macramé and did you know right away "it's more than a hobby"?

I first came across macramé when my boyfriend and I moved into a large apartment and I was looking for home inspiration. I then came across macramé, but I was still a student at the time and didn't have a lot of money for decor, so I just started doing it myself with Youtube videos. (There you think you surely, where comes the money for the large apartment :D by the fact that we know the landlady, we pay quite little).

Did you know right away "this is more than a hobby"?

Yes, I kind of knew that right away.

What role does being creative play in your everyday life? Are you creative in other ways besides designing and knotting macramé?

A pretty big one. I've always been very creative, loved crafting and especially wrapping gifts beautifully. I've always had a knack for that.

Even when I'm not working on an order, I'm always creating new designs and knotting away - just for me, it's like meditation. Apart from that, I have also recently ventured into illustrations.

Where do you find the most inspiration?

Actually everywhere, be it in nature or on Instagram. Mostly when I look at interior inspiration pictures.

How did you manage to find your own style?

I've learned not to knot everything and offer everything that is currently trending.

I like a certain style and I stay true to that :)

Do you sometimes have a "crea low" and don't feel like making macramé?

Yes, yes and again yes. Then I also take the break.

Do you have any role models - if yes, which ones?

There are many inspiring people, however I don't want to imitate or emulate anyone. So for me personally, I would say "role models" rather no.

Creativity and social media - what are your thoughts on this?

I just love to share my work with others. If I can inspire someone with it, that's great and for me one of the best compliments.

Inspire instead of imitate :)

Do you have any other creative goals and dreams you're looking forward to?

Yes! I have fulfilled a very big dream by having my own yarn produced. In the future I would like to motivate people and help them to build up their own business.

Thank you for the interview, dear Chinny